Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How Does A Spider Build Its Web Over A River?

I was walking back from lunch one day when I saw something amazing: a spider web, a HUGE spider web which spanned across a small water channel roughly two meters wide.

And nestled in the center of the web was a spider about the size of my thumb.
If that's not amazing, I don't know what is. 

How could a spider the size of my thumb travel across the two-meter wide trench to build the web?
*Spoiler: There's no spiderman-style-silk-shooting involved here.*

Thursday, May 7, 2015

大摇 2015 (not troll)


今年的大摇坐落在假期的最后一天。讲真的我还很担心会因为假期而冷场,因为上次校创还蛮少人的。不过后来我到达 KPS,哇塞居然满座啊啊啊啊啊。

其实 hor,我每年看完大摇就会在这个部落格写下对大摇的感言和 comment ,而且都纯属我个人意见。可是今年大摇结束后我就和其他 seniorssss 一起喝茶讨论一些些,问问他们的意见,所以这次的意见是来自至少七个 seniors 的。

还有还有,我当天其实刚刚从刁曼岛回来 -- 早上的渡轮迟到两个小时,然后还因为退潮而必须在码头两公里以外等小船来载我们到码头,然后还要驾车五个小时,到了吉隆坡立刻背着背包到 DTC 看大摇,进场时唯一的印象就是看到几个人高喊:还我苍井空................ 【awkward moment】所以前面所发生的一切我不便 comment。

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

大摇 2015

下一篇才来 post。



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