Friday, April 20, 2012

Penile Fracture

It normally happens during sexual intercourse, when you perform an unimaginable acrobatic on your bullish pole, a flying leap perhaps, instead of a simple penetration. 

Yes, penis can break guys.
How do you break a penis?
The human penis has no bone, and it's supposed to be spongy, no?

It normally happens during sexual intercourse, when you perform an unimaginable acrobatic on your bullish pole, a flying leap perhaps, instead of a simple penetration. The girl-on-top position is equally risky, for it constitutes the most cases reported for penile fracture during sexual intercourse. Missing the bullseye and bending your rigid genitalia against the mattress can be extremely agonizing, too.
We had this patient who suffered penile fracture after running across the room and trying to penetrate his wife with a flying leap.--Hunter Wessells, chair of the urology department at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.

And when your throbbing manhood breaks, you could literally hear a popping or cracking sound. The pain that follows would be ludicrously excruciating, and the your herculean kraken would deflate immediately. Your penis would become swollen, bruised, and discolored, and you probably can't urinate for the next few days until you seek medical attention.
By the way if all of the above didn't tense you up, you're probably heartless, or penis-less. Or both.
A broken penis is actually a severe form of bending injury to the erect penis that occurs when a membrane called the tunica albuginea tears. The tunica albuginea surrounds the corpora cavernosa, specialized spongy tissue in the core of the penis that fills up with blood during an erection. When the tunica albuginea tears, the blood that is normally confined to this space leaks out into other tissues. You get bruising and swelling.--scientific american.

According to a paper written by urologist Andrew Kramer, published in a recent issue of Journal of Sexual Medicine, half of the penile fracture he saw between 2007 and 2011 were sustained during an extramarital affair. Others, he said, were suffered while making out in extraordinary locations--cars, elevators, public restrooms. He concluded that penile fractures "seem more likely during sex under stressful situations."
Penis-like sponge. Image:
Luckily, modern medicine provides a way out. Broken penis can be operated to close up the tear with sutures, though some tears are quite extensive and require about 10 stitches (ouch!). But most people go home right after the operation, and resume acrobatic leaps in about a month.


1 comment:

  1. That must be extremely painful, hope the broken part does not fall off



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